Welcome to the Selby and District Motor Club website where you will find photographs of our events, membership info, newspaper clippings and other memorabilia from the earliest communications of the club in 1954 to the present day.
I am still building on what you see at the moment, all of the paperwork is complete after many hours of scanning. However, I have got lots more photos and newspaper clippings to upload, thanks to Yvonne Clarke, Colin Barnes, Peter Clark, Geoff Gibson, Dave Wakeley, Dave Boyes, Stevo Johnson, Alastair Crosby, Myself and Mike Hatfield amongst others.
I hope it interests you, if it brings back any memories or it reminds you of photographs, stories or any club paperwork that you have then please share so that we can add to our site. In the first instance email Ralph Jackson (arrjay2018@gmail.com) and tell me what you have.
If you would like to meet us or take part in motorsport by competing, marshalling or getting involved somehow then please come to one of our meetings at the George Inn, Market Place, Selby YO8 4NS. We meet on Tuesdays at 20:30 but just in case we have arranged something different check out our facebook page or email Ralph on arrjay2018@gmail.com
Selby and District Motor Club
Copyright 2020